Industrial Grade Paints: Vivid Appearance, Exceptional Durability

High quality paint is critical to making a high quality number sign that won’t fade or peel. We spared no expense picking the best paints that will keep your sign in excellent condition for many years to come.

Our paint and color recommendations for your sign:

  • Matte black (95% of our clients prefer matte black)
  • Satin clear coat (very low gloss)
  • If you want a color besides black please contact us. Black paint offers the best contrast and visibility and a timeless look.

We’re open to making signs using custom colors but we should discuss the project first to ensure you’ll be thrilled with the end result.

Matte paints have no gloss and don’t reflect light, they absorb light, which creates a soft, elegant and modern finish.

ASTM Standards

ISO Certification

VOC Compliance

Durability Testing

Adhesion Testing

Weather Resistance